Painters like their paintings to be viewed, musicians like their music to be heard, and writers like their articles to be read. This is why every year I look back at what I've done:
This year I published 6 articles. 5 articles were about SQL, and 2 were also about Python and Django.
According to my analytics, my articles were viewed ~600K this year. Given the target audience this is most likely an underestimation, but it still an impressive +50% increase compared to last year.

More than 2K readers subscribed to my mailing list. If you want to get an email when I publish something new you can subscribe here.
Hacker News remained a significant source of traffic after several of my articles reached the font page:

Other platforms also brought in a fair amount of readers including Reddit, Lobsters and Twitter.
Many conferences became online in 2021 and I used this opportunity to present in 5 conferences:
On February I presented a talk inspired by my article Some SQL Tricks of an Application DBA in the PostgreSQL devroom at FOSDEM (watch)
On the same day, I also presented a talk about hidden gems in the typing system inspired my article Exhaustiveness Checking with Mypy at the Python devroom at FOSDEM (watch)
On May I presented another talk inspired by the article Exhaustiveness Checking with Mypy at PyCon IL (watch)
On June I presented a talk titled "Unlocking the full potential of PostgreSQL indexes in Django" on DjangoCon Europe (watch)
On Jul I presented a talk titled "Taming Nondeterminism with Dependency Injection: Take back control of your code!" inspired by my article Stop using datetime now! at Euro Python (watch)
On Nov I presented a talk inspired by my latest article Lesser Known Features of PostgreSQL at Postgres Build. This is the second year I present in this conference organized by EnterpriseDB.
I gave several online live trainings for O’Reilly. In addition to live session of my class SQL Next Steps: Optimization, I also developed a new class titled PostgreSQL Fundamentals. I really enjoy giving these online classes because I can talk to other developers and answer questions in real time. The interactive environment provides a unique experience for learners, and the feedback has been great.
Collaborated with Hex on a guide for Practical SQL for Data Analysis. The Hex platform was perfect for embedding interactive notebooks in the article.
Published an interactive course on educative inspired by my article Simple Anomaly Detection using SQL. If like me, you prefer text based materials over video or audio, be sure to check out educative.
I was PyDev of the week. I've been following Mike's "PyDev of the week" series for years, and I was very flattered when he approached me about it.
I gave an interview for the lovely Olga from the Data Analysis Journal.
Last year I gave web monetization a chance and just like I thought, it turned out to be a dud. To continue my experimentation with web monetization, I set up different ways for readers to show their appreciation.