2021 Year in Review

What I've been up to this year...

Painters like their paintings to be viewed, musicians like their music to be heard, and writers like their articles to be read. This is why every year I look back at what I've done:

  • This year I published 6 articles. 5 articles were about SQL, and 2 were also about Python and Django.

  • According to my analytics, my articles were viewed ~600K this year. Given the target audience this is most likely an underestimation, but it still an impressive +50% increase compared to last year.

Daily traffic to hakibenita.com at 2021
Daily traffic to hakibenita.com at 2021
  • More than 2K readers subscribed to my mailing list. If you want to get an email when I publish something new you can subscribe here.

  • Hacker News remained a significant source of traffic after several of my articles reached the font page:

Posts from hakibenita.com on Hacker News (<a href="https://hn.algolia.com/?dateEnd=1640908800&dateRange=custom&dateStart=1609459200&page=0&prefix=false&query=hakibenita.com&sort=byPopularity&type=story">source</a>)
Posts from hakibenita.com on Hacker News (source)

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